
Running an E3SM component

Steps that run a standalone build of an E3SM component should descend from the polaris.ModelStep class.

By default (if the attribute update_pio = True), at runtime, the namelist options associated with the PIO library will automatically be set. If the make_graph = True, the mesh will be partitioned across MPI tasks at runtime.

During construction or by setting attributes directly, you can can provide non-default names for the graph, namelist and streams files. At construction or with the polaris.ModelStep.set_model_resources() method, you can set number of tasks, threads, etc. determined from the ntasks, min_tasks, cpus_per_task, min_cpus_per_task` and openmp_threads attributes. These resources need to be set at construction or in the setup() method (i.e. before calling run()) so that the polaris framework can ensure that the required resources are available.

Adding yaml, namelist and streams files

Components and tasks can provide yaml config options, namelist and streams files that are used to replace default model config options and streams definitions before the E3SM component gets run. Namelist and streams files within the polaris package must start with the prefix namelist. and streams., respectively, to ensure that they are included when we build the package. Yaml files must end with .yaml or .yml for the same reason.

You can make calls to polaris.ModelStep.add_namelist_file(), polaris.ModelStep.add_yaml_file(), polaris.ModelStep.add_model_config_options() and polaris.ModelStep.add_streams_file() as described below to indicate how yaml, namelist and streams file should be built up by modifying the defaults for the E3SM component. The yaml, namelists and streams files themselves are generated automatically (which of these depends on the E3SM component in question) as part of setting up the task.

Adding a yaml file

Typically, a step that runs an E3SM component will include one or more calls to polaris.ModelStep.add_namelist_file() or polaris.ModelStep.add_yaml_file() within the constructor or setup() method. Calling one of these methods simply adds the file to a list that will be parsed if and when the step gets set up. (This way, it is safe to add namelist files to a step in init even if that task will never get set up or run.)

The format of the yaml file is a hierarchical list of sections with config options and values, followed by streams:

    config_ocean_run_mode: forward
    config_run_duration: 0024_00:00:00
    config_vert_coord_movement: impermeable_interfaces
    config_time_integrator: RK4
      output_interval: 0030_00:00:00
      type: output
      output_interval: 0024_00:00:00
      clobber_mode: truncate
      reference_time: 0001-01-01_00:00:00
      - tracers
      - mesh
      - xtime
      - normalVelocity
      - layerThickness
      - refZMid
      - refLayerThickness
      - kineticEnergyCell
      - relativeVorticityCell

Unlike for namelist files (see below), we require that config options be placed in appropriate sections both for clarity and because there is no guarantee that config options must have unique names.

A typical yaml file is added by passing a package where the yaml file is located and the name of the input yaml file within that package as arguments to polaris.ModelStep.add_yaml_file():


Model config values are replaced by the files (or options, see below) in the sequence they are given. This way, you can add the model config substitutions common to related tasks first, and then override those with the replacements specific to the task or step.

Adding a namelist file

Typically, a step that runs the E3SM component will include one or more calls to polaris.ModelStep.add_namelist_file() or polaris.ModelStep.add_yaml_file() within the constructor or setup() method. Calling this method simply adds the file to a list that will be parsed if and when the step gets set up. (This way, it is safe to add namelist files to a step in init even if that task will never get set up or run.)

The format of the namelist file is simply a list of namelist options and the replacement values:

config_write_output_on_startup = .false.
config_run_duration = '0000_00:15:00'
config_use_mom_del2 = .true.
config_implicit_bottom_drag_coeff = 1.0e-2
config_use_cvmix_background = .true.
config_cvmix_background_diffusion = 0.0
config_cvmix_background_viscosity = 1.0e-4

Since all MPAS namelist options must have unique names, we do not worry about which specific namelist within the file each belongs to.

A typical namelist file is added by passing a package where the namelist file is located and the name of the input namelist file within that package as arguments to polaris.ModelStep.add_namelist_file():


Namelist values are replaced by the files (or options, see below) in the sequence they are given. This way, you can add the namelist substitutions for that are common to related tasks first, and then override those with the replacements that are specific to the task or step.

Adding model config options

Sometimes, it is easier to replace yaml or namelist options (together referred to as model config options) using a dictionary within the code, rather than a yaml or namelist file. This is appropriate when there are only 1 or 2 options to replace (so creating a file seems like overkill) or when the model config options rely on values that are determined by the code (e.g. different values for different resolutions). Simply create a dictionary replacements and call polaris.ModelStep.add_model_config_options() either at init or in the setup() method of the step. These replacements are parsed, along with replacements from files, in the order they are added.
Thus, you could add replacements from a model config file common to multiple tasks, specific to a task, and/or specific to step. Then, you could override them with namelist options in a dictionary for the task or step, as in this example:

if nu is not None:
    # update the viscosity to the requested value

# make sure output is double precision
self.add_yaml_file('polaris.ocean.config', 'output.yaml')


Here, we set the viscosity nu, which is an option passed in when creating this step. Then, we get default model config options for ocean model output (output.yaml) and for baroclinic channel forward steps (forward.yaml).


Model config options can have values of type bool, int, float or str, and are automatically converted to the appropriate type in the yaml or namelist file.

Dynamic model config options

It is sometimes useful to have model config options that are based on Polaris config options and/or algorithms. In such cases, the model config options need to be computed once at setup and again (possibly based on updated config options) at runtime. A step needs to override the polaris.ModelStep.dynamic_model_config() method, e.g.:

def dynamic_model_config(self, at_setup):
    Add model config options, namelist, streams and yaml files using config
    options or template replacements that need to be set both during step
    setup and at runtime

    at_setup : bool
        Whether this method is being run during setup of the step, as
        opposed to at runtime

    config = self.config

    options = dict()

    # dt is proportional to resolution: default 30 seconds per km
    dt_per_km = config.getfloat('baroclinic_channel', 'dt_per_km')
    dt = dt_per_km * self.resolution
    options['config_dt'] = \
        time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(dt))

    if self.run_time_steps is not None:
        # default run duration is a few time steps
        run_seconds = self.run_time_steps * dt
        options['config_run_duration'] = \
            time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(run_seconds))

    # btr_dt is also proportional to resolution: default 1.5 seconds per km
    btr_dt_per_km = config.getfloat('baroclinic_channel', 'btr_dt_per_km')
    btr_dt = btr_dt_per_km * self.resolution
    options['config_btr_dt'] = \
        time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(btr_dt))

    self.dt = dt
    self.btr_dt = btr_dt


Adding a streams file

Streams files are a bit more complicated than namelist files because streams files are XML documents, requiring some slightly more sophisticated parsing.

Typically, a step that runs the E3SM component will include one or more calls to polaris.ModelStep.add_streams_file() within the
constructor or setup() method. Calling this function simply adds the file to a list within the step dictionary that will be parsed if an when the step gets set up. (This way, it is safe to add streams files to a step at init even if that task will never get set up or run.)

The format of the streams file is essentially the same as the default and generated streams file, e.g.:


<immutable_stream name="mesh"

<immutable_stream name="input"

<immutable_stream name="restart"/>

<stream name="output"

    <var_struct name="tracers"/>
    <var name="xtime"/>
    <var name="normalVelocity"/>
    <var name="layerThickness"/>


These are all streams that are already defined in the default forward streams for MPAS-Ocean, so the defaults will be updated. If only the attributes of a stream are given, the contents of the stream (the var, var_struct and var_array tags within the stream) are taken from the defaults. If any contents are given, as for the output stream in the example above, they replace the default contents. Polaris does not include a way to add or remove contents from the defaults, just keep the default contents or replace them all. (Past experience has shown that such a feature would be confusing and difficult to keep synchronized with the E3SM code.)

A typical streams file is added by calling polaris.ModelStep.add_streams_file() with a package where the streams file is located and the name of the input streams file within that package:


If the streams file should have a different name than the default (streams.<component>), the name can be given via the out_name keyword argument. If init mode is desired, rather than the default, forward mode, this can also be specified.

Adding a template streams file

The main difference between namelists and streams files is that there is no direct equivalent for streams of polaris.ModelStep.add_model_config_options(). It is simply too confusing to try to define streams within the code.

Instead, polaris.ModelStep.add_streams_file() includes a keyword argument template_replacements. If you provide a dictionary of replacements to this argument, the input streams file will be treated as a Jinja2 template that is rendered using the provided replacements. Here is an example of such a template streams file:


<stream name="output"
        output_interval="{{ output_interval }}"/>
<immutable_stream name="restart"
                  output_interval="{{ restart_interval }}"/>


And here is how it would be added, along with replacements:

stream_replacements = {
    'output_interval': '00-00-01_00:00:00',
    'restart_interval': '00-00-01_00:00:00'}
add_streams_file(step, module, 'streams.template',


stream_replacements = {
    'output_interval': '00-00-01_00:00:00',
    'restart_interval': '00-00-01_00:00:00'}
add_streams_file(step, module, 'streams.template',

In this example, taken from polaris.ocean.tasks.global_ocean.mesh.qu240.dynamic_adjustement.QU240DynamicAdjustment, we are creating a series of steps that will be used to perform dynamic adjustment of the ocean model, each of which might have different durations and restart intervals. Rather than creating a streams file for each step of the spin up, we reuse the same template with just a few appropriate replacements. Thus, calls to polaris.ModelStep.add_streams_file() with template_replacements are qualitatively similar to namelist calls to polaris.ModelStep.add_model_config_options().

Adding E3SM component as an input

If a step involves running the E3SM component, it should descend from :py:classpolaris.ModelStep. The model executable will automatically be linked and added as an input to the step. This way, if the user has forgotten to compile the model, this will be obvious by the broken symlink and the step will immediately fail because of the missing input. The path to the executable is automatically detected based on the work directory for the step and the config options.

Partitioning the mesh

The method polaris.ModelStep.partition() calls the graph partitioning executable (gpmetis by default) to divide up the MPAS mesh across MPI tasks. If you create a ModelStep with partition_graph=True (the default), this method is called automatically.

In some circumstances, a step may need to partition the mesh separately from running the model. Typically, this applies to cases where the model is run multiple times with the same partition and we don’t want to waste time creating the same partition over and over. For such cases, you can provide partition_graph=False and then call polaris.ModelStep.partition() manually where appropriate.

Updating PIO namelist options

You can use polaris.ModelStep.update_namelist_pio() to automatically set the MPAS namelist options config_pio_num_iotasks and config_pio_stride such that there is 1 PIO task per node of the MPAS run.
This is particularly useful for PIO v1, which we have found performs much better in this configuration than when there is 1 PIO task per core, the MPAS default. When running with PIO v2, we have found little performance difference between the MPAS default and the polaris default of one task per node, so we feel this is a safe default.

By default, this function is called in polaris.ModelStep.runtime_setup(). If the same namelist file is used for multiple model runs, it may be useful to update the number of PIO tasks only once. In this case, set the attribute update_pio = False and polaris.ModelStep.update_namelist_pio() yourself.

If you wish to use the MPAS default behavior of 1 PIO task per core, or wish to set config_pio_num_iotasks and config_pio_stride yourself, simply set update_pio = False.

Making a graph file

Some polaris tasks take advantage of the fact that the MPAS-Tools cell culler can produce a graph file as part of the process of culling cells from an MPAS mesh. In tasks that do not require cells to be culled, you can call polaris.model_step.make_graph_file() to produce a graph file from an MPAS mesh file. Optionally, you can provide the name of an MPAS field on cells in the mesh file that gives different weight to different cells (weight_field) in the partitioning process.