

Directly interacting with the database is not recommened unless you understand the consequences of what you are doing!


Metadata from zstash archives is stored in a sqlite3 database in zstash/index.db. The database schema consists of two tables, one to store configuration parameters (config) and the other one for metadata for each archived file (files).

$ sqlite3 zstash/index.db
SQLite version 3.7.17 2013-05-20 00:56:22
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"

sqlite> .schema
  arg text primary key,
  value text
  id integer primary key,
  name text,
  size integer,
  mtime timestamp,
  md5 text,
  tar text,
  offset integer

sqlite> .quit

For each file, metadata consists of

  • name: relative path and file name

  • size: file size in bytes

  • mtime: modification time

  • md5: file md5 checksum

  • tar: tar file in which file is archived (e.g. 00000a.tar)

  • offset: offset in bytes where the file is located within its tar file.

Exploring content

Direct interaction with the database can be useful to explore content of an archive, beyond what might be available with zstash list.

To list all the files in an archive:

$ cd <mydir>
$ sqlite3 zstash/index.db "select * from files;"

For each file, the following information will be printed

file # | path | size | modification time |md5 checksum |tar archive | offset (within tar)

To list files matching a specified pattern (for example */run/*.nc):

$ sqlite3 zstash/index.db "select * from files where name glob '*/run/*.nc';"

To list all the files in a specific tar fole (for example 00000a.tar):

$ sqlite3 zstash/index.db "select * from files where tar is '00000a.tar';"