Contributing to this documentation

Create a conda environment

This documentation is created using Sphinx. Sphinx is an open-source tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation, written by Georg Brandl and licensed under the BSD license.

First, make sure that you have conda in your path. On NERSC machines, you can load it with:

$ module load python3/3.7-anaconda-2019.07

Create a new conda environment, install Sphinx as well as the Sphinx readthedocs theme

$ conda create -n sphinx
$ conda activate sphinx
$ conda install -c anaconda sphinx
$ pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

Checkout and edit documentation

The documentation is maintained in the Github repository under a separate branch named ‘gh-pages’. This special branch is used by to directly serve static web pages (see GitHub Pages).

Clone the repository and checkout the ‘gh-pages’ branch:

$ cd <myDir>
$ git clone zstash
$ cd zstash
$ git checkout gh-pages

You should now see two sub-directories: source contains the documentation source files, and docs the html web pages created by Sphinx.

To modify the documentation, simply edit the files under source. Sphinx uses reStructuredText as its markup language. For more information on how to write documentation using Sphinx, you can refer to

To see the changes you made to the documentation, rebuild the web pages

$ cd <myDir>/zstash
$ make html

and view them locally in a web browser at file:///<myDir>/zstash/index.html.

Sphinx may occasionally not build the new files properly. If that is the case, try removing the docs sub-directory (be careful not to remove source) and rebuild entirely:

$ cd <myDir>/zstash
$ rm -r docs
$ make html

Once you are satisfied with your modifications, commit and push them back to the repository:

$ cd <myDir>/zstash
$ git add .
$ git commit
$ git push origin gh-pages

Your changes will then be available on the zstash documentation page.

Initial setup (for reference only)

The instructions below only apply for the initial configuration of the Sphinx documentation on the Github repository. They are documented here for reference only. Do not follow them unless you are setting up documentation for a new repository. (Adapted from Sphinx documentation on GitHub.)

Create Sphinx conda environment (see above).

Create a new git branch (gh-pages):

$ git branch gh-pages
$ git checkout gh-pages

Clear out any­thing from the master branch and start fresh

$ git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/gh-pages
$ rm .git/index
$ git clean -fdx

Create documentation

$ sphinx-quickstart

accept suggested default options, except

Separate source and build directories (y/N) [n]: y

Edit Makefile and change BUILDIR


Remove old build directory

$ rmdir build

Change the Sphinx theme to ‘ReadTheDocs’. Edit ‘source/ and change

html_theme = 'alabaster'


import sphinx_rtd_theme
html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"
html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]

Try building documentation

$ make html

Create an empty .nojekyll file to indicate to that this is not a Jekyll static website:

$ touch .nojekyll

Create a top-level re-direction file:

$ vi index.html

with the following:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=./docs/html/index.html" />

Commit and push back to Github:

$ git add .
$ git commit
$ git push origin gh-pages