***************** Adding a new task ***************** The task's bash file ===================== Create ``zppy/templates/.bash``. This is where the bulk of the work required for a task will be. Most of the file is task-specific, so it is difficult to describe precise steps. Some key parts, however, are displayed below: .. code:: #!/bin/bash {% include 'slurm_header.sh' %} {{ environment_commands }} # Turn on debug output if needed debug={{ debug }} if [[ "${debug,,}" == "true" ]]; then set -x fi # Script dir cd {{ scriptDir }} # Get jobid id=${SLURM_JOBID} # Update status file STARTTIME=$(date +%s) echo "RUNNING ${id}" > {{ prefix }}.status .. code:: # Update status file and exit {% raw %} ENDTIME=$(date +%s) ELAPSEDTIME=$(($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)) {% endraw %} echo ============================================== echo "Elapsed time: $ELAPSEDTIME seconds" echo ============================================== echo 'OK' > {{ prefix }}.status exit 0 Variables of the form ``{{ }}`` can come from a number of sources: 1. ``zppy/templates/default.ini`` (in the form of `` = (default=)``) 2. ``zppy/templates/.cfg`` (in the form of `` = ``); overrides values from #1 3. The user's configuration file (in the form of `` = ``); overrides values from #1, #2 Another possible source is ``zppy/.py`` (in the form of ``c[""]`` where ``c`` is defined in ``for c in tasks``). The task's Python file ====================== Create ``zppy/.py``. The basic outline of the file should be similar to the below example, adapted from ``zppy/e3sm_diags.py``. .. code:: import os import pprint import jinja2 from zppy.utils import checkStatus, getTasks, getYears, submitScript # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def (config, scriptDir): # Initialize jinja2 template engine templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( searchpath=config["default"]["templateDir"] ) templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader) template = templateEnv.get_template(".bash") # --- List of tasks --- tasks = getTasks(config, "") if len(tasks) == 0: return # --- Generate and submit scripts --- for c in tasks: # Loop over year sets year_sets = getYears(c["years"]) for s in year_sets: c["year1"] = s[0] c["year2"] = s[1] c["scriptDir"] = scriptDir if c["subsection"]: sub = c["subsection"] else: sub = c["grid"] prefix = "_%s_%s_%04d-%04d" % ( sub, c["tag"], c["year1"], c["year2"], ) print(prefix) c["prefix"] = prefix scriptFile = os.path.join(scriptDir, "%s.bash" % (prefix)) statusFile = os.path.join(scriptDir, "%s.status" % (prefix)) settingsFile = os.path.join(scriptDir, "%s.settings" % (prefix)) skip = checkStatus(statusFile) if skip: continue # Create script with open(scriptFile, "w") as f: f.write(template.render(**c)) # List of dependencies dependencies = [] with open(settingsFile, "w") as sf: p = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2, stream=sf) p.pprint(c) p.pprint(s) if not c["dry_run"]: # Submit job jobid = submitScript( scriptFile, dependFiles=dependencies, export="NONE" ) if jobid != -1: # Update status file with open(statusFile, "w") as f: f.write("WAITING %d\n" % (jobid)) The main file ============= Add the task to ``zppy/__main__.py``: .. code:: from import .. code:: # tasks (config, scriptDir) Update defaults =============== Add default values for parameters in ``zppy/templates/default.ini``. .. code:: [] ... [[__many__]] # Only if the task supports sub-tasks ... # List the same parameters but with `default=None` Update the tutorial =================== Add example values for parameters in ``docs/source/post.mysimulation.cfg``. .. code:: [ ] ... # Specify parameters that would likely apply to all sub-tasks [[ ]] # Only if the task supports sub-tasks ... # Specify parameters that make more sense defined in the sub-tasks Explain new parameters ====================== In ``docs/source/parameters.rst`` Copy defaults from ``zppy/templates/default.ini`` and add a comment line above each explaining the parameter. Update the tests ================ In ``tests/integration/test_*.cfg`` Copy example values from ``docs/source/post.mysimulation.cfg``. The expected files will have to be updated as well.