.. _tutorial: *************** Tutorial *************** These examples are for use on LCRC machines (e.g., Chrysalis). Some parameters must be changed for use on other machines. These include the paths for ``input``, ``output``, ``www``, ``mapping_file``, ``reference_data_path``, ``obs_ts``, and ``dc_obs_climo``. Different machines also have different partition names, so ``partition`` may need to be changed as well. Example 1 ========= Let's say we want to post-process 100 years of an existing simulation. Copy and paste the following into ``post.mysimulation.cfg`` .. literalinclude:: post.mysimulation.cfg :language: cfg :linenos: Now we can run ``zppy -c post.mysimulation.cfg``. The ``[climo]`` subsections (``[[ atm_monthly_180x360_aave ]]`` and ``[[ atm_monthly_diurnal_8xdaily_180x360_aave ]]``), the ``[ts]`` subsections (``[[ atm_monthly_180x360_aave ]]``, ``[[ atm_daily_180x360_aave ]]``, ``[[ atm_monthly_glb ]]`` and ``[[ land_monthly ]]``), and the ``[mpas_analysis]`` section will run first because they have no dependencies. Once the ``[climo]`` subsections and the ``[ts]`` subsection ``[[ atm_monthly_180x360_aave ]]`` finish, ``[e3sm_diags]`` will run. Once the ``[ts]`` subsection ``[[ atm_monthly_glb ]]`` and the ``[mpas_analysis]`` section finish, ``[global_time_series]`` will run. Post-processing results will be located in ``output`` and ``www``. Some machines have a web server. ``www`` should be pointed to that so that E3SM Diags, MPAS-Analysis, and the global time series plots will be visible online. Example 2 ========= This is another example of a configuration file, this time using a RRM simulation. .. literalinclude:: post.rrm_simulation.cfg :language: cfg :linenos: