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This guide is intended to walk users step-by-step through post-processing a simulation.

Short Term Archiving

First, short-term archiving is quite useful for post-processing.

By default, E3SM will store all output files under the <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/run/ directory. For long simulations, there could 10,000s to 100,000s of output files. Having so many files in a single directory can be very impractical, slowing down simple operations like ls to a crawl. CIME includes a short-term archiving utility that will neatly organize output files into a separate <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/archive/ directory. Short term archiving can be accomplished with the following steps.


This can be done while the model is still running.

Use --force-move to move instead of copying, which can take a long time. Set --last-date to the latest date in the simulation you want to archive. You do not have to specify a beginning date.

cd <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/case_scripts
./case.st_archive --last-date <yyyy-mm-dd> --force-move --no-incomplete-logs
ls <e3sm_simulations_dir>/<case_name>/archive

Each component of the model has a directory under archive/. There are also two additional directories under archive/: logs holds the gzipped log files and rest holds the restart files.

Component Directory File naming pattern
Atmosphere (Earth Atmospheric Model) archive/atm/hist *.eam.h*
Coupler archive/cpl/hist *.cpl.h*
Sea Ice (MPAS-Sea-Ice) archive/ice/hist *.mpassi.hist.*
Land (Earth Land Model) archive/lnd/hist *.elm.h*
Ocean (MPAS-Ocean) archive/ocn/hist *.mpaso.hist.*
River Runoff (MOSART) archive/rof/hist *.mosart.h*

Post-Processing with zppy

To post-process a model run, do the following steps.


To post-process up to year n, then you must have short-term archived up to year n.

You can ask questions about zppy on the zppy discussion board.

Install zppy

Load the E3SM Unified environment.


The E3SM Unified environment activation commands can be found on zppy's Getting started page. Alternatively, they can be found using Mache: click the relevant machine and find the base_path listed under [e3sm_unified] -- the activation command will be source <base_path>/load_latest_e3sm_unified_<machine_name>.sh.

If you need a feature in zppy that has not yet been included in the E3SM Unified environment, you can construct a development environment.

Configuration File

In <run_scripts_dir>, create a new post-processing configuration file, or copy an existing one, and call it post.<case_name>.cfg.


Good example configuration files can be found in the zppy integration test directory -- test_complete_run_<machine_name>.cfg

Edit the file and customize as needed. The file is structured with [section] and [[sub-sections]]. There is a [default] section, followed by additional sections for each available zppy task (climo, ts, e3sm_diags, mpas_analysis, …). Sub-sections can be used to have multiple instances of a particular task, for example having both regridded monthly and globally averaged time series files. Refer to the zppy schematics documentation for more details.

The key sections of the configuration file are:


  • input, output, www paths will likely need to be edited.


The output of your simulation (<simulations_dir>/<case_name>) is the input to zppy. You can use the same directory for zppy output as well, since zppy will generate output under <output>/post


  • mapping_file path may need to be edited.
  • Typically you want to generate climatology files every 20,50 years: years = begin_year:end_yr:averaging_period – e.g., years = "1:80:20", "1:50:50",.


  • mapping_file path may need to be edited.
  • Typically you want to generate time series files every 10 years – e.g., years = "1:80:10".


  • reference_data_path may need to be edited.
  • short_name is a shortened version of the case_name
  • years should match the [climo] section years

[mpas_analysis] Years can be specified separately for time series, climatology, and ENSO plots. The lists must have the same lengths and each entry will be mapped to a realization of mpas_analysis:

climo_years ="21-50", "51-100",
enso_years = "11-50", "11-100",
ts_years = "1-50", "1-100",

In this particular example, MPAS Analysis will be run twice. The first realization will produce climatology plots averaged over years 21-50, ENSO plots for years 11 to 50, and time series plots covering years 1 to 50. The second realization will cover years 51-100 for climatologies, 11-100 for ENSO, and 1-100 for time series.


  • climo_years and ts_years should match their equivalents in the [mpas_analysis] section.


See the zppy parameters documentation for more information on parameters.

Launch zppy

Run zppy -c post.<case_name>.cfg. This will submit a number of jobs. Run sq to see what jobs are running.

zppy automatically handles dependencies of jobs. E.g., e3sm_diags jobs are dependent on climo and ts jobs, so they wait for those to finish. MPAS Analysis jobs re-use computations, so they are chained.

Most jobs run quickly, though E3SM Diags may take around an hour and MPAS Analysis may take several hours.

zppy creates a new directory <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/post. Each realization will have a shell script (typically bash). This is the actual file that has been submitted to the batch system. There will also be a log file *.o<job ID> as well as a *.status file. The status file indicates the state (WAITING, RUNNING, OK, ERROR). These files can be found in <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/post/scripts. Once all the jobs are complete, you can check their status.

cd <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/post/scripts
cat *.status # should be a list of "OK"
grep -v "OK" *.status # lists files without "OK"

If you re-run zppy, it will check the status of tasks and will skip a task if its status is “OK”. As your simulation progresses, you can update the post-processing years in the configuration file and re-run zppy. Newly added task will be submitted, while previously completed ones will be skipped.


If you run ls <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/post/scripts you’ll see files like e3sm_diags_180x360_aave_model_vs_obs_0001-0020.status. This is one e3sm_diags job. Parts of this file name are explained below:

Part of File Name Meaning
e3sm_diags Task
180x360_aave Grid
model_vs_obs model_vs_model or model_vs_obs
0001-0020 First and last years

There is also a corresponding output file. It will have the same name but end with .o<job ID> instead of .status.


The post-processing output is organized hierarchically. Examples:

  • <e3sm_simulations_dir>/<case_name>/post/atm/180x360_aave/ts/monthly/10yr has the time series files – one variable per file, in 10 year periods as defined in <run_scripts_dir>/post.<case_name>.cfg.
  • <e3sm_simulations_dir>/<case_name>/post/atm/180x360_aave/clim/20yr similarly has climatology files for 20 year periods, as defined in <run_scripts_dir>/post.<case_name>.cfg.
  • <e3sm_simulations_dir>/<case_name>/post/atm/glb/ts/monthly/10yr has globally averaged files for 10 years periods as defined in <run_scripts_dir>/post.<case_name>.cfg.