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Long-Term Archiving

Simulations that are deemed sufficiently valuable should be archived using zstash for long-term preservation. You can ask questions about zstash on the zstash discussion board.

1. Clean up directory

Log into the machine that you ran the simulation on. Remove all eam.i files except the latest one. Dates are of the form <YYYY-MM-DD>.

cd <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/run
ls | wc -l # See how many items are in this directory
mv <case_name>.eam.i.<Latest YYYY-MM-DD>
rm <case_name>.eam.i.*.nc
mv <case_name>.eam.i.<Latest YYYY-MM-DD>
ls | wc -l # See how many items are in this directory

There may still be more files than is necessary to archive. You can probably remove *.err, *.lock, *debug_block*, *ocean_block_stats* files.

2. zstash create & Transfer to NERSC HPSS

On the machine that you ran the simulation on:

If you don’t have one already, create a directory for utilities, e.g., utils/. Then, open a file in that directory called batch_zstash_create.bash and paste the following in it, making relevant edits:

# Run on <machine name>
# Load E3SM Unified
<Command to load the E3SM Unified environment>
# List of experiments to archive with zstash
<case_name> \
# Loop over simulations
for EXP in "${EXPS[@]}"
    echo === Archiving ${EXP} ===
    cd <simulations_dir>/${EXP}
    mkdir -p zstash
    stamp=`date +%Y%m%d`
    time zstash create -v --hpss=globus://nersc/home/<first letter>/<username>/E3SMv2/${EXP} --maxsize 128 . 2>&1 | tee zstash/zstash_create_${stamp}.log


Compy, Anvil and Chrysalis do not have local HPSS. We rely on NERSC HPSS for long-term archiving. If you are archiving a simulation run on Compy or LCRC (Chrysalis/Anvil), we need to include the Globus piece above. If you are archiving a simulation run on NERSC (Perlmutter), you can simplify that piece to --hpss=E3SMv2/${EXP}

Load the E3SM Unified environment.


The E3SM Unified environment activation commands can be found on zppy's Getting started page. Alternatively, they can be found using Mache: click the relevant machine and find the base_path listed under [e3sm_unified] -- the activation command will be source <base_path>/load_latest_e3sm_unified_<machine_name>.sh.

Then, do the following:

$ screen # Enter screen
$ screen -ls # Output should say "Attached"
$ ./batch_zstash_create.bash 2>&1 | tee batch_zstash_create.log
# Control A D to exit screen
# DO NOT CONTROL X / CONTROL C (as for emacs). This will terminate the task running in screen!!!
$ screen -ls # Output should say "Detached"
$ hostname
# If you log in on another login node, 
# then you will need to ssh to this one to get back to the screen session.
$ tail -f batch_zstash_create.log # Check log without going into screen
# Wait for this to finish
$ screen -r # Return to screen
# Check that output ends with `real`, `user`, `sys` time information
$ exit # Terminate screen
$ screen -ls # The screen should no longer be listed
$ ls <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/zstash
# `index.db`, and a `zstash_create` log should be present
# No tar files should be listed
# If you'd like to know how much space the archive or entire simulation use, run:
$ du -sh <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/zstash
$ du -sh <simulations_dir>/<case_name>

Then, on NERSC/Perlmutter:

$ hsi
$ ls /home/<first letter>/<username>/E3SMv2/<case_name>
# Tar files and `index.db` should be listed.
# Note `| wc -l` doesn't work on hsi
$ exit

3. zstash check

On a NERSC machine (Perlmutter):

cd /global/homes/<first letter>/<username>
emacs batch_zstash_check.bash

Paste the following in that file, making relevant edits:

# Run on NERSC dtn
# Load environment that includes zstash
<Command to load the E3SM Unified environment>
# List of experiments to archive with zstash
<case_name> \
# Loop over simulations
for EXP in "${EXPS[@]}"
    echo === Checking ${EXP} ===
    cd /global/cfs/cdirs/e3sm/<username>/E3SMv2
    mkdir -p ${EXP}/zstash
    cd ${EXP}
    stamp=`date +%Y%m%d`
    time zstash check -v --hpss=/home/<first letter>/<username>/E3SMv2/${EXP} --workers 2 2>&1 | tee zstash/zstash_check_${stamp}.log


If you want to check a long simulation, you can use the --tars option to split the checking into more manageable pieces:

# Starting at 00005a until the end
zstash check --tars=00005a-
# Starting from the beginning to 00005a (included)
zstash check --tars=-00005a
# Specific range
zstash check --tars=00005a-00005c
# Selected tar files
zstash check --tars=00003e,00004e,000059
# Mix and match
zstash check --tars=000030-00003e,00004e,00005a-

Then, do the following:

$ ssh
$ screen
$ screen -ls # Output should say "Attached"
$ cd /global/homes/<first letter>/<username>
$ ./batch_zstash_check.bash
# Control A D to exit screen
# DO NOT CONTROL X / CONTROL C (as for emacs). This will terminate the task running in screen!!!
$ screen -ls # Output should say "Detached"
$ hostname
# If you log in on another login node, 
# then you will need to ssh to this one to get back to the screen session.
# Wait for the script to finish
# (On Chrysalis, for 165 years of data, this takes ~5 hours)
$ screen -r # Return to screen
# Check that output ends with `INFO: No failures detected when checking the files.`
# as well as listing real`, `user`, `sys` time information
$ exit # Terminate screen
$ screen -ls # The screen should no longer be listed
$ exit # exit data transfer node
$ cd /global/cfs/cdirs/e3sm/<username>/E3SMv2/<case_name>/zstash
$ tail zstash_check_<stamp>.log
# Output should match the output from the screen (without the time information)

4. Document

On a NERSC machine (Perlmutter):

$ hsi
$ ls /home/<first letter>/<username>/E3SMv2
# Check that the simulation case is now listed in this directory
$ ls /home/<first letter>/<username>/E3SMv2/<case_name>
# Should match the number of files in the other machine's `<simulations_dir>/<case_name>/zstash`
$ exit
$ cd /global/cfs/cdirs/e3sm/<username>/E3SMv2/<case_name>/zstash
$ ls
# `index.db` and `zstash_check` log should be the only items listed
# cput will not transfer a file if it exists.
$ hsi "cd /home/<first letter>/<username>/E3SMv2/<case_name>; cput -R <zstash_check log>"
$ hsi
$ ls /home/<first letter>/<username>/E3SMv2/<case_name>
# tar files, `index.db`, `zstash_create` log, and `zstash_check` log should be present
$ exit

If you are E3SM staff, update the (internal) simulation Confluence page with information regarding this simulation (For v3 work, that page is V3 Simulation Planning). In the zstash archive column, specify:

  • /home/<first letter>/<username>/E3SMv2/<case_name>
  • zstash_create_<stamp>.log
  • zstash_check_<stamp>.log

5. Delete files

On a NERSC machine (Perlmutter):

$ hsi
$ ls /home/<first letter>/<username>/E3SMv2/<case_name>
# tar files, `index.db`, `zstash_create` log, and `zstash_check` log should be present
# So, we can safely delete these items on cfs
$ exit
$ ls /global/cfs/cdirs/e3sm/<username>/E3SMv2/<case_name>
# Should match output from the `ls` on `hsi` above
$ cd /global/cfs/cdirs/e3sm/<username>
$ ls E3SMv2
# Only the <case_name> you just transferred to HPSS should be listed.
# We only want to remove that one.
$ rm -rf E3SMv2

On the machine that you ran the simulation on:

$ cd <simulations_dir>/<case_name>
$ ls zstash
# tar files, index.db, `zstash_create` log should be present
$ rm -rf zstash # Remove the zstash directory, keeping original files
$ cd <simulations_dir>

More info

Refer to zstash's best practices for E3SM for details.