Available Parameters ==================== The driver needs a parameters file to run. In these files, there is support for many features related to diagnostics. Given a command like ``python run_script.py -d param.cfg``, the parameters in ``run_script.py`` and in ``params.cfg`` will overwrite any predefined values in all runs. Parameters for diagnostics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The parameters below are ones related to test/reference specifications related to file I/O. - **case_id**: The name of the folder where the results (plots and nc files) will be stored for a single run. ex: ``results_dir/case_id`` - **debug**: If ``True``, stops running all of the diagnostics on the first failure. If ``False`` (the default), all errors are caught and ignored. If there was an error and a plot could not be created, there's a '---' for that set of parameters in the viewer. - **reference_data_path** [REQUIRED]: Path to the reference (obs) data. If there are multiple datasets in the path, use ``ref_name`` parameter to specify which dataset should be used. - **ref_name**: The particular sub-directory of ``reference_data_path`` that the reference data is in. Used to locate the reference data. This doesn't need to be defined if you're running ``model_vs_model`` or ``model_vs_obs``. In the built-in parameters files for these, the ``ref_name`` is already defined. - **results_dir** [REQUIRED]: The name of the folder where all runs will be stored. - **run_type**: The supported run type for the diagnostics. Possible options are: ``'model_vs_obs'`` (by default), ``'model_vs_model'``, or ``'obs_vs_obs'``. - **save_netcdf**: Set to ``True`` if you want the reference, test, and difference data saved. Default is ``False``. - **no_viewer**: Set to ``True`` to not generate a Viewer for the results. Default ``False``. - **test_data_path** [REQUIRED]: Path to the test (model) data. - **test_name**: The name of the test (model output) file. It should be a string matches the model output name, for example ``'20161118.beta0.FC5COSP.ne30_ne30.edison'``. These variables are used for handling timeseries data. - **ref_end_yr**: The end year for the reference data. - **ref_start_yr**: The start year for the reference data. - **ref_timeseries_input**: Set to ``True`` if the ``ref`` data is in timeseries format. Default ``False``. If ``True``, both ``ref_start_yr`` and ``ref_end_yr`` must also be set. - **test_end_yr**: The end year for the test data. - **test_start_yr**: The start year for the test data. - **test_timeseries_input**: Set to ``True`` if the ``test`` data is in timeseries format. Default ``False``. If ``True``, both ``test_start_yr`` and ``test_end_yr`` must also be set. The parameters below are for running the diagnostics in parallel using multiprocessing or distributedly. - **distributed**: Set to ``True`` to run the diagnostics distributedly. It's ``False`` by default. ``multiprocessing`` and ``distributed`` cannot both be set to ``True``. A Dask cluster needs to be up and running. You'll probably never use this. - **multiprocessing**: Set to ``True`` to use multiprocessing. It's ``False`` by default. ``multiprocessing`` and ``distributed`` cannot both be set to ``True``. - **num_workers**: Used to define the number of processes to use with either ``multiprocessing`` or ``distributed``. If not defined, it is defaulted to ``4``. Ex: ``num_workers = 8`` The parameters below are related to the actual climate-related functionality of the diagnostics. - **plevs**: A list of pressure levels to use. Ex: ``plevs=[850.0, 200.0]``. - **regions**: A list of regions. Default is ``['global']``. See `default_regions.py `__ for a list of possible regions. Ex: ``regions=["global", "TROPICS"]``. - **regrid_method**: What regird method of the regrid tool to use. Possible values are ``'linear'`` or ``'conservative'``. Default is ``'conservative'``. Read the CDMS documentation for more information. - **regrid_tool**: The regrid tool to use. Default is ``'esmf'``. - **seasons**: A list of season to use. Default is annual and all seasons: ``['ANN', 'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON']``. - **sets**: A list of the sets to be run. Default is all sets: ``['zonal_mean_xy', 'zonal_mean_2d', 'meridional_mean_2d', 'lat_lon', 'polar', 'area_mean_time_series', 'cosp_histogram', 'enso_diags', 'qbo', 'streamflow','diurnal_cycle']``. - **variables**: What variable(s) to use for this run. Ex: ``variables=["T", "PRECT"]``. Parameters for plotting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The figure below is an sample output. We use this to described what each plotting parameter does. .. figure:: _static/available-parameters/parameter_example.png :alt: Example :align: center :target: _static/available-parameters/parameter_example.png An example plot created from the software Below are general plotting-related parameters. - **arrows**: Is either ``True`` (default value) or ``False`` and will accordingly show or hide the arrows on the legend for all of the graphs. - **backend**: May be set to ``'cartopy'`` or ``'mpl'`` (the default) or ``'matplotlib'``, all of which result in the Matplotlib/Cartopy backend being used. - **contour_levels**: The levels on the legend of the test and reference plot. It's ``[0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]`` in the image. Default is ``[]``. - **dpi**: Figure resolution for Matplotlib. Default is ``150``. - **figsize**: Figure size (WxH, inches) for Matplolib figures. Default is ``[8.5, 11.0]``. - **main_title**: Main title of the image. It's ``"PRECT ANN global"`` in this example, which is automatically generated by E3SM Diagnostics. You can define ``main_title`` to change this. - **output_format**: A list of formats that you want the plot to be output to. Can be something like ``['png', 'pdf', 'svg'].`` Default is ``['png']``. - **output_format_subplot**: File format to save figures for individual panel plots. If not defined or ``[]`` (the default), no plots are saved. Possible values are ``['png', 'pdf', 'svg']``. - **plot_log_plevs**: For the ``'zonal_mean_2d'`` and ``'meridional_mean_2d'`` sets, log-scale the y-axis. - **plot_plevs**: For the ``'zonal_mean_2d'`` and ``'meridional_mean_2d'`` sets, plot the pressure levels. The parameters below are for each of the three plots (``test``, ``reference``, and ``diff``) in the image. - **short_test_name**: an optional short name that users specify to be shown on the diagnostics figure. It's ``'beta0.FC5COSP.ne30'`` in the example figure. If not specified, the value in the ``test_name`` parameter will be shown. - **test_colormap**: If not defined in the parameters, the default value is ``'cet_rainbow.rgb'``. It's ``'WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed.rgb'`` in the image above. Matplotlib colormaps are supported. Users can even use colormaps located in `acme_diags/plot/colormaps `_, by referencing them by the filename (ex: ``'cet_rainbow.rgb'``). Also, setting path to a custom ``.rgb`` file is supported. - **test_name**: Optional text to be specified by the users to be printed upper left above the test figure. - **test_title**: The title for the test plot. It's ``"Test Title"`` in the image (upper central texts above the test (model) figure) and is blank by default. - **test_units**: The units that are on the top-right of the test plot. It's ``"mm/day"`` in the image. If not defined, it automatically gets the units from the test data. The ``reference`` and ``diff`` plots also have the same keywords which are semantically the same for their respective plots. Below are the values they hold for the image above. Reference: - **reference_colormap**: If not defined in the parameters, the default value is ``'cet_rainbow.rgb'``. It's ``'WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed.rgb'`` in the image above. Matplotlib colormaps are supported. Users can even use colormaps located in ``acme_diags/plot/colormaps/``, by referencing them by the filename (ex: ``'cet_rainbow.rgb'``). Also, setting paths to a custom ``.rgb`` file is supported. - **reference_name**: Optional text to be specified by the users to be printed upper left above the ref figure. - **reference_title**: ``"Reference Title"`` in the image (upper central texts above the reference (obs) figure) and is blank by default. - **reference_units**: ``"mm/day"`` in the image. If blank, it automatically gets the units from the reference data. - **short_ref_name**: an optional short name that users specify to be shown on the diagnostics figure. It's ``'GPCP'`` in the example figure. If not specified, the value in the ``reference_name`` parameter will be shown. Diff: - **diff_colormap**: Is ``'BrBG'`` in the image above and ``'diverging_bwr.rgb'`` by default. Matplotlib colormaps are supported. Users can even use colormaps located in ``acme_diags/plot/colormaps/``, by referencing them by the filename (ex: ``'cet_rainbow.rgb'``). Also, paths to a custom ``.rgb`` file is supported. - **diff_name**: Optional text to be specified by the users to be printed upper left above the diff figure. - **diff_levels**: ``[-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, -0.5, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`` in the image. Default is ``[]``. - **diff_title**: ``"Test - Reference"`` in the image (upper central texts above the diff figure). If blank, the default is ``'Model - Observation'``. - **diff_units**: ``"mm/day"`` in the image. If blank, it automatically gets the units from the test - reference data. Set-specific parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Several Diagnostics sets have their own set-specific parameters. ``'area_mean_time_series'``: - **end_yr** [REQUIRED]: The end year for the data. - **ref_names**: Used to specify reference data. - **ref_timeseries_input**: Set to ``True`` if the ``ref`` data is in timeseries format. Default ``True``. - **start_yr** [REQUIRED]: The start year for the data. - **test_timeseries_input**: Set to ``True`` if the ``test`` data is in timeseries format. Default ``True``. ``'diurnal_cycle'``: - **normalize_test_amp**: Normalize the test and ref amplitude. - **print_statements**: Print debugging statements. Default ``False``. - **ref_timeseries_input**: Set to ``True`` if the ``ref`` data is in timeseries format. Default ``False``. - **test_timeseries_input**: Set to ``True`` if the ``test`` data is in timeseries format. Default ``False``. ``'enso_diags'``: - **end_yr**: The end year for the data. - **nino_region**: The NINO region to use. May be ``'NINO3'``, or ``'NINO34'`` (the default) or ``'NINO4'``. - **plot_type**: The plot type. May be ``map`` (the default) or ``scatter``. - **print_statements**: Print debugging statements. Default ``False``. - **ref_end_yr**: The end year for the reference data. - **ref_start_yr**: The start year for the reference data. - **ref_timeseries_input**: Set to ``True`` if the ``ref`` data is in timeseries format. Default ``True``. - **start_yr**: The start year for the data. - **test_end_yr**: The end year for the test data. - **test_start_yr**: The start year for the test data. - **test_timeseries_input**: Set to ``True`` if the ``test`` data is in timeseries format. Default ``True``. You can specify both ``test_start_yr`` and ``ref_start_yr`` or just ``start_yr``. You can specify both ``test_end_yr`` and ``ref_end_yr`` or just ``end_yr``. ``'meridional_mean_2d'``: - **plevs**: Pressure levels. Default is ``numpy.logspace(2.0, 3.0, num=17).tolist()``. - **plot_log_plevs**: Log-scale the y-axis. Default ``False``. - **plot_plevs**: Plot the pressure levels. Default ``False``. ``'qbo'``: - **end_yr**: The end year for the data. - **print_statements**: Print debugging statements. Default ``False``. - **ref_end_yr**: The end year for the reference data. - **ref_start_yr**: The start year for the reference data. - **ref_timeseries_input**: Set to ``True`` if the ``ref`` data is in timeseries format. Default ``True``. - **start_yr**: The start year for the data. - **test_end_yr**: The end year for the test data. - **test_start_yr**: The start year for the test data. - **test_timeseries_input**: Set to ``True`` if the ``test`` data is in timeseries format. Default ``True``. You can specify both ``test_start_yr`` and ``ref_start_yr`` or just ``start_yr``. You can specify both ``test_end_yr`` and ``ref_end_yr`` or just ``end_yr``. ``'streamflow'``: - **end_yr**: The end year for the data. - **gauges_path**: Specify the path to the streamflow gauge data. Required if ``run_type`` is ``model_vs_model``. - **main_title_annual_map**: The title of the annual streamflow map. Default ``'Mean Annual Streamflow Map'``. - **main_title_annual_scatter**: The title of the annual streamflow scatter plot. Default ``'Mean Annual Streamflow Scatter Plot'``. - **main_title_seasonality_map**: The title of the seasonality map. Default ``'Seasonality Map'``. - **max_num_gauges**: Only process the first ``max_num_gauges`` gauges -- useful for debugging. When ``None`` (the default), all gauges are processed. - **output_file_annual_map**: The file name of the annual streamflow map. Default ``'annual_map'``. - **output_file_annual_scatter**: The file name of the annual streamflow scatter plot. Default ``'annual_scatter'``. - **output_file_seasonality_map**: The file name of the seasonality map. Default ``'seasonality_map'``. - **print_statements**: Print debugging statements. Default ``False``. - **ref_end_yr**: The end year for the reference data. - **ref_start_yr**: The start year for the reference data. - **ref_timeseries_input**: Set to ``True`` if the ``ref`` data is in timeseries format. Default ``True``. - **start_yr**: The start year for the data. - **test_end_yr**: The end year for the test data. - **test_start_yr**: The start year for the test data. - **test_timeseries_input**: Set to ``True`` if the ``test`` data is in timeseries format. Default ``True``. You can specify both ``test_start_yr`` and ``ref_start_yr`` or just ``start_yr``. You can specify both ``test_end_yr`` and ``ref_end_yr`` or just ``end_yr``. ``'zonal_mean_2d'``: - **plevs**: Pressure levels. Default is ``numpy.logspace(2.0, 3.0, num=17).tolist()``. - **plot_log_plevs**: Log-scale the y-axis. Default ``False``. - **plot_plevs**: Plot the pressure levels. Default ``False``. Other parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **dataset**: Default is ``''``. - **granulate**: Default is ``['variables', 'seasons', 'plevs', 'regions']``. - **selectors**: Default is ``['sets', 'seasons']``. See :ref:`Using the selectors parameter `. - **viewer_descr**: Used to specify values in the viewer. Default ``{}``. - **fail_on_incomplete**: Exit status will reflect failure if any parameter fails to complete. Default is ``False`` (e.g., a failing parameter will not create a failing exit code). Deprecated parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **canvas_size_h**: Height of the image in pixels and only used by vcs. Is ``1628`` by default. - **canvas_size_w**: Width of the image in pixels and only used by vcs. Is ``1212`` by default. - **logo**: ``True`` (default value) to show the UV-CDAT logo on the vcs backend, ``False`` to not. Just keep it on please.