How to Add New Diagnostics Runs ------------------------------- Adding Derived Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We have a set of built-in derived variables for the E3SM model diagnostics `here `__ (search for ``derived_variables``). The diagnostics software looks into the ``derived_variables`` dictionary for variable keys and operations needed for deriving new variables (renaming, unit conversions, calculations, etc). If users want to, they can add their own derived variables, which is added to the default list during runtime and overwrites any default values if there's a collision. Since derived variables require code, such functionality cannot be added to json/cfg files. You can do the following in the parameters script, which is a Python script (ex: the Python script is ```` in ``python -d mydiags.cfg`` or ```` in ``e3sm_diags -p -d mydiags.cfg``). Format of the ``derived_variables`` dictionary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: python derived_variables = { 'user_inputted_var': { ('output_var1', 'output_var2'): function_to_call } } Above is how a ``derived_variables`` dictionary is formatted. ``'user_inputted_var'`` is the variable that is defined in the ``variables`` part of the json file. ``'output_var1'`` and ``'output_var2'`` are the variables inside the ``test_name`` (model) file. **Example of adding derived variables to a parameters script** .. code:: python # in or def albedo_obs(rsdt, rsut): """ TOA (top-of-atmosphere) albedo, (solin - fsntoa) / solin, unit is nondimension """ var = rsut / rsdt var.units = "dimensionless" var.long_name = "TOA albedo" return var derived_variables = { 'New_ALBEDO': { ('rsdt', 'rsut'): albedo_obs } } The above code will allow it so that if ``variables = "New_ALBEDO"`` in the diagnostics file (the json or cfg file) and ``rsdt`` and ``rsut`` are variables in the test (model) file, the ``albedo_obs()`` function is run on the ``rsdt`` and ``rsut`` variables from the test (model) file. **Note**: Please do check first if our built-in derived variable list already has included what you would like to calculate. Also, for more advanced users, you can clone our repo and make direct changes to the source code and maybe create a pull request if you think the derived variable is used frequently. We really appreciate it! Example ~~~~~~~ The example below will do one diagnostics run globally with the ``New_ALBEDO`` variable, annually. Below is the json file, call it ``mydiags.cfg``. :: [Diags] sets = ['lat_lon'] case_id = "lat_lon_CERES" variables = ["New_ALBEDO"] ref_name = "edition_4_ceres_ebaf_toa" reference_name = "edition_4_ceres_ebaf_toa" seasons = ["ANN"] regions = ["global"] contour_levels = [0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95] diff_levels = [-0.25, -0.2, -0.15, -0.1, -0.07, -0.05, -0.03, 0.0, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25] And below is the parameters file, call it ````. This is to run on aims4. To run on another machine, please edit the ``reference_data_path``, ``test_data_path``, and ``test_name`` accordingly. .. code:: python import os from e3sm_diags.parameter.core_parameter import CoreParameter from import runner param = CoreParameter() param.reference_data_path = '/space1/test_data/CERES-EBAF/' param.test_data_path = '/space/golaz1/ACME_simulations/20160520.A_WCYCL1850.ne30_oEC.edison.alpha6_01/pp/clim_rgr/0070-0099/' param.test_name = '20160520.A_WCYCL1850.ne30' param.backend = 'vcs' param.diff_title = 'Test - Reference' param.results_dir = 'myresults' def albedo_obs(rsdt, rsut): """TOA (top-of-atmosphere) albedo, (solin - fsntoa) / solin, unit is nondimension""" var = rsut / rsdt var.units = "dimensionless" var.long_name = "TOA albedo" return var param.derived_variables = { 'New_ALBEDO': { ('rsdt', 'rsut'): albedo_obs } } runner.sets_to_run = ['lat_lon'] runner.run_diags([param]) Run the command like so: ``python -d mydiags.cfg``